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From Prussia and Denmark

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Friedrich Hinrichsen from Ahrensbök, Baker, 24, on board the Sophie

The Schneiders on board the Sophie

Johann Joachim Friederich Hinrichsen, c.1905

Johann Joachim Friederich Hinrichsen selected land for a homestead in 1871

Parish of Forbes showing the selected land

Mount Walker Church of Christ

The Hinrichsens

In 1865, at the age of 24, Johann Joachim Friedrich Hinrichsen, a baker from Lebatz, a small village near Ahrensbök in Holstein in the far north of Germany, migrated to Queensland on a ship called "Sophie".
About Holstein
At that time, Holstein, which had previously been the northernmost state of the Holy Roman Empire, was then part of the German Confederation, yet was under Danish rule just like its neighbours, Schleswig to the north and Lauenburg to the south. Holstein was still suffering from the recent German-Danish War (Feb 1864 to Oct 1864) whereby Denmark lost, and was again bankrupt, thereby placing even heftier taxes upon the people and property in a last ditch effort to regain resources and capital.

The winners of the war were Prussia and Austria who, although previously arch-enemies, banded together to take Schleswig, the state on the northern border of Holstein (those two nowadays forming the modern German state of Schleswig-Holstein). As a result of the win, the Austrian-Prussian Condominium was formed to rule over Holstein, Schleswig and Lauenburg from 1864 to 1866, until the Austro-Prussian War broke out.

Map of Holstein showing Lebatz just south of Ahrensbök
and Garbeck 10km to the west.
The "Lübsches Fahrwasser" (now Lübecker Bucht) is the Bay of Lübeck, a part of the Baltic Sea (Ostsee) which provides access to Lübeck, the commercial center of East Holstein (Ostholstein).
There's more info on Holstein on the » Suchting Page.

Also on board the Sophie were most of the family members of Johann Georg Schneider and his wife Heinricke, nee Lauer. One year after their arrival in the new colony, J.J.F. Hinrichsen, later known as John or Friedrich, married the eldest daughter of the Schneider family, Friederike Sophie, known as Heinricke. The couple had a daughter named Emma and three sons named August, Friedrich and Albert but Heinricke died just two months after Albert was born.

1866 Marriage of Johann Joachim Friedrich Hinrichsen
and Heinricke Friederike Schneider in North Ipswich

On the 11th of November, 1871, J.J.F. Hinrichsen selected 93 acres for a homestead in the Parish of Forbes close to the land of his wife's brother, Fred Schneider.

In 1878, three years after Heinricke passed away, Friedrich remarried, his new wife being the widow, Charlotte Catharina Dorothea Boettcher, whose first husband, Johann Wilhelm Heinrich Knees had died the year before. Charlotte already had three daughters, Emma, Elizabeth and Sophie whom she brought with her into her marriage with Friedrich.

Catherine and her three daughters came from Garbeck in Holstein about 10 km west of Lebatz, the origin of her new husband. The couple were married just two weeks after her arrival in Graham Arthur Hinrichsen, so it is likely they either knew each other before JJF's migration, or had mutual connections in both countries who arranged their intended union.

A Devoted Family
Although JJF Hinrichsen was raised as a Lutheran, in 1860 he was baptised by a Baptist Minister near Berlin, five years before his migration to Queensland. After spending just one day at the Church of Christ of Ipswich in Bundamba, he invited D A Ewers, who was ministering in Warwick at that time, to visit Mt Walker with the aim of establishing a church there. At a crowded meeting at the Jenner family home, a group of seven Baptists decided to form a new Church of Christ.

Several meetings were conducted by Bro. Carl Fischer during which three persons confessed Christ as Lord and Saviour. They were Mr W. H. Stokes, Mary Jenner and the son of JJF Hinrichsen, August Hinrichsen who became the father of the world famed Church of Christ Evangelist E.C. Hinrichsen. On the 4th of May, 1884, at the second visit of D. A. Ewers, the new church was formally initiated with nine members. These were JJF and his wife, the Jenners, W. Lobegeiger, J.W. Wiffler, Mrs J. Nielson, Mrs J.P.W. Green and JJF's daughter, Miss Emma Hinrichsen, who later married Herbert Tilcock (changed to Tilock) who was the first convert under Stephen Cheek's preaching at Zillman's Waterholes in the previous year.

At the meeting, six more persons confessed, these being JJF's other two sons, Fred and Albert Hinrichsen, JJF's step-daughter Sophia, the brother and sister Tom and Emma Jenner, and Mr T. Murray. A few years later, the Jenners disposed of their property in which the meetings had been held and built a new house large enough to accommodate the growing community. After the death of Bro. Jenner around 1890, JJF Hinrichsen and his wife held meetings at their home in the northern foothills of Mt Walker. Sometime after 1897, when Frederick Hinrichsen married Ethel Brewer, the meetings were then held at their new home.

Spreading the Word
Yet JJF Hinrichsen didn't stop there, for in 1891, he travelled from his home in Mt Walker to Rosevale in order to start Church of Christ meetings to be held in the home of Mr Christian Christensen. As a result of these meetings, the first baptism for the newly formed group was that of Mrs Christensen undertaken in the Bremer River, which flows through the district towards Ipswich. Eight years later, Karen Maria Christensen, daughter of Christian and Anna Christensen, married August Hinrichsen, eldest son of JJF Hinrichsen.

His enthusiasm was passed on through the generations which followed him. Son Fred also set up a church having supplied both the land and the timber for it to be built at Rosewood. As well as that, six Hinrichsen grandsons attended the College of the Bible in Melbourne, starting with Will Hinrichsen in 1912 and ending with Arthur Norman Hinrichsen in 1927. The most famous of these was E.C. Hinrichsen (Ernest Christian) who was only 16 when he started studying and went on to become an evangelistic legend around the world. At least 35,000 people made public decisions under his ministry. JJF's daughter Emma also married a preacher, the Reverend Herbert Henry Tilock. Their son, Frederick Herbert Tilock also became a preacher.

» Johann Joachim Friedrich Hinrichsen (01.01.1841 – 06.01.1916)
   married Friederika Sophia Schneider (14.10.1842 – 16.03.1875)
   in the Baptist Church, North Ipswich, 20.08.1866
   and they had the following children:

Emma Hinrichsen 10.04.1867 –
*Mt Walker 
†Shelby, Richland,
Ohio, USA
m. Herbert Henry Tilock in Qld, 16.11.1887
August Hinrichsen 31.12.1868 –
m. Karen Maria Christensen in Rosevale, 03.12.1892
Frederick Ernest Hinrichsen 23.12.1872 –
†Mt Walker
m. Mary Ethel Brewer in Mt Walker, 16.09.1897
Albert Hinrichsen 28.01.1875 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Bessie Olive Brewer in Bundamba, 23.10.1896

» Johann Joachim Friedrich Hinrichsen (01.01.1841 – 06.01.1916)
   married Charlotte Catharina Dorothea Boettcher ( ?.?.~1835 – 18.06.1925)
   in Mt Walker, 12.08.1878
   without children
» Charlotte Catharina Dorothea Boettcher ( ?.?.~1835 – 18.06.1925)
   had married Johann Wilhelm Heinrich Knees (26.01.1839 – ?.?.~1877)
   in Warder, Rendsburg, Holstein, Prussia, Germany, 1864
   and they had the following children:

Emma Maria Sophie Knees 21.06.1864 –
*Quaal, Holstein 
m. Jens Nielsen, 1890
Elizabeth Christine Margaret Knees
(Elise, later Lizzie)
23.02.1866 –
*Garbeck, Holstein 
m. Jacob Paulus Wernegreen (Paul Green) in Qld, 23.08.1889
Sophie Anna Margaretha Knees 07.02.1870 –
*Garbeck, Holstein 
m. Soren (Sam) Jensen in Rosevale, 16.04.1889
Caroline Sophia Knees 01.10.1872 –
*Garbeck, Wensien, Holstein 
(7 months old)

Elizabeth Knees

April 10, 1878
The Knees family departing from Hamburg on the Lammershagen:

Catharine 46
Emma 13
Elisa 11
Sophie 8

They arrived in Brisbane August 6, only 14 days before Catharine's marriage to JJF

The Hinrichsen Family c.1905
On the left: Albert and Bessie with 4 children, Alfred, Olive, Violet, Ivy (on lap)
Next to them: Frederick and Mary with 4 children, Colin, 'Ern', Bertha (on lap), Arthur (on lap)
In the middle: Johann Joachim Friedrich and Charlotte Catharina Dorothea
On the right: August and Karen with 6 children, William, John, Annie, Ernest, Gustav, Fred (on lap)


» Emma Hinrichsen
and Rev. Herbert Henry Tilock

» Emma Hinrichsen (10.04.1867 – 02.09.1936)
   married Rev. Herbert Henry Tilock (26.03.1864 – 03.02.1937)
   in Qld, 16.11.1887
   and they had the following children:

Bertha Friederike Tilock 17.04.1889 –
*Mt Walker 
†Shelby, Richland,
Ohio, USA
m. Judd Leroy Palmer (Piano Teacher) in Miami, Ohio, USA, 27.10.1917
Frederick Herbert Tilock
29.11.1890 –
*Mt Walker 
Ohio, USA
m. Beulah B. Fritz in Holmes, Ohio, USA, 18.07.1908
(Frederick, wife Beulah and son Fred jr all died in 1918 from Spanish Flu)
Miriam Josephine Tilock (Highschool Biology Teacher) 19.09.1892 –
*Hanover, Licking,
Ohio, USA 
†Shelby, Richland,
Ohio, USA
(died unmarried, aged 86)
Dr. Walter William Tilock (M.D.) 01.11.1894 –
*Bethany, Brooke,
West Virginia, USA 
†Shelby, Ohio USA
m. Mabel Ventres in Cuyahoga,
Ohio, USA, 14.07.1928
Lois Victoria Tilock 24.04.1902 –
*Hopedale, Harrison,
Ohio, USA 
†Toledo, Lucas,
m. Richard R. Draves in Steuben Co, Indiana, 21.03.1931
Mary Lucille Tilock 30.10.1904 –
*Barnesville, Belmont,
Ohio, USA 
†Plymouth Township,
Richland, Ohio, USA
m. Glendon Lamar Ewers in Lucas, Ohio, USA, 26.01.1935

In the words of Arthur Norman Hinrichsen:
I had hardly reached America when I was called upon to officiate at the funeral of my two cousins killed in an auto freighter collision, 1939, Plymouth, Ohio. They were buried at Shelby. Reminiscent of the tragedy of 1918 when their brother, Fred (28), a minister at Columbiana, Ohio, with his wife Beulah and baby boy Fred Junior died from the flu. They are buried at Piqua, Ohio, where Dad Tilock was pastor at that time.

The Tilock Family
Standing L-R: Miriam, Walter, Herbert, Fred, Beulah (Fred's wife)
Seated L-R: Lucile, Emma, Lois, Bertha, Phyllis (Fred's daughter)

» August Hinrichsen
and Maria Christensen

» August Hinrichsen (31.12.1868 – 28.12.1936)
   married Karen Maria Christensen (15.09.1874 – 20.05.1942)
   in Rosevale, 03.12.1892
   and they had the following children:

Dr. William Henry Hinrichsen
(Medical Practitioner, Evangelist, Business Man)
27.01.1894 –
†Balwyn, Vic
m. Florence Ethel Hall
John Hinrichsen 18.09.1895 –
m1. Esther Bertha Lobegeiger in Qld, (died aged 29)
m2. Eileen Lobegeiger (niece of John's first wife, Esther) in Qld, 04.08.1916
Annie Margaret Hinrichsen 06.10.1897 –
m. Frederick James Browning in Qld, 10.05.1911
Ernest Christian (E.C.) Hinrichsen
(World Famous Evangelist)
23.05.1899 –
†Caringbah, NSW
m. Ruby Jane Wendorf in Qld, 26.12.1925
Gustav Alfred Hinrichsen 31.08.1901 –
†Ryde AUS
m. Victoria Betsy Gibb in Victoria, 1927
Frederick John Hinrichsen 25.03.1904 –
m. Olga Anna Boettcher in Marburg, 23.05.1928
Lily Esther Hinrichsen 02.03.1907 –
†Cheltenham, Vic
m. John Wenlock Machin in Qld, 17.12.1927
Vera Thelma Gwendoline Hinrichsen 28.08.1913 –
m. Gordon Stevens in Qld, 16.04.1938
Arnold Eric Benjamin Hinrichsen 17.06.1917 –
m. Elizabeth Alma "Beth" Hinze in Qld, 1940

August Hinrichsen's Family
Standing L-R: John, Annie, William, Ernest, Gustav
Seated L-R Albert, Karen Marie, Fred (on lap)

August Hinrichsen's Family Home at Rosevale

Dr. William Henry Hinrichsen
obtained six honours including three final honours, Melbourne University
Ernest Christian Hinrichsen with
his wife Ruby Jane (Wendorf)
Became famous travelling around the world three times evangelising for the Churches of Christ
Frederick John Hinrichsen and
his wife Olga Anna Boettcher

» Frederick Ernest Hinrichsen
and Mary Ethel Brewer

» Frederick Ernest Hinrichsen (23.12.1872 – 13.08.1935)
   married Mary Ethel Brewer (17.11.1874 – 12.09.1954)
   in Mt Walker, 16.09.1897
   and they had the following children:

Josias Ernest "Ern" Hinrichsen
(Teacher, Preacher)
15.07.1898 –
m. Myrtle Ivy Grace Lavers-McBain in Qld, 21.05.1946
(Myrtle Ivy Grace Lavers had previously married Douglas Gordon McBain in Qld, 01.04.1944)
Colin Edwin Hinrichsen
(Teacher, Preacher)
04.08.1899 –
†Katoomba NSW
m. Hazel Burling in NSW, 1929
Rev. Arthur Norman "Norm" Hinrichsen
(M.A., Pastor, Evangelist)
21.07.1901 –
†Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA
m1. Eirene Mary Kelly in Melbourne, 14.08.1928
m2. Hazel Blanche Scott (widow of F.F.Frasch) in Bucyrus Ohio USA, 22.06.1968
Amy Evelyn Hinrichsen 08.08.1902 –
(almost 3 years old, Dengue Fever)
Bertha Victoria Hinrichsen 12.04.1904 –
m. Alexander Ernest Muller in Brisbane, 07.04.1928
Frederick Herbert "Herb" Hinrichsen 01.08.1906 –
m. Doris Louisa Drager in Qld, 28.04.1937
Clifford Vincent "Cliff" Hinrichsen 03.01.1909 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Mabel Marion Drager in Qld, 01.07.1936
Henrietta Bessie "Ette" Hinrichsen 26.03.1911 –
m. Leonard William Drager in Ipswich, 07.09.1938
Harriet Hinrichsen unknown –
†Mt Walker
(died in infancy)

The younger three Hinrichsen siblings, Herb, Cliff and Ette are all grandchildren of Heinrike (Friederike Sophie) Schneider and they married the Drager siblings, Doris, Mabel and Leonard who were the grandchildren of Heinrike's sister, Christina Schneider, wife of Johann Carl Dickfos.

There are more of the Drager siblings on » the Dickfos family page.

Josias Ernest (Ern) Hinrichsen
Colin Edwin Hinrichsen
Wedding of Colin Edwin Hinrichsen and Hazel Burling

Arthur Norman Hinrichsen
(enlarged from wedding photo)
Wedding of Arthur Norman Hinrichsen and Rene Kelly
Norm Hinrichsen with his cousin Dr. Walter Tilock

Norm Hinrichsen with with his wife and three daughters (c. early 1950s)
L-R: Arthur, Leonie, Norma, wife Rene, Barbara
Pastor Arthur Norman (Norm) Hinrichsen and his 2nd wife Hazel (nee Scott)

Wedding of Cliff Vincent Hinrichsen and Mabel Marion Drager
Wedding of Bertha Victoria Hinrichsen and Alexander Ernest Muller
Wedding of Frederick Herbert (Herb) Hinrichsen and Doris Loisa Drager

Henrietta Bessie "Ette" Hinrichsen
Ette's husband, Leonard Drager
Bertha Hinrichsen
Mary Ethel Hinrichsen nee Brewer

» Albert Hinrichsen
and Bessie Olive Brewer

» Albert Hinrichsen (28.01.1875 – 03.02.1964)
   married Bessie Olive Brewer (16.07.1873 – 25.04.1963)
   in Church of Christ, Bundamba, 23.10.1896
   and they had the following children:

Olive Emily Hinrichsen 07.08.1897 –
m. Harold Herbert Muller in Brisbane, 1920
Alfred Edwin Hinrichsen 10.10.1899 –
†Mt Walker
m. Gladys Kruger in Mt Walker, 29.07.1931
Elsie Caroline Gertrude Hinrichsen 25.04.1901 –
(almost 6 months old)
Violet May Hinrichsen 23.06.1903 –
m. James Jensen in Qld, 18.08.1926
Ivy Huelen Hinrichsen 24.07.1905 –
m. Andrew Jensen in East Ipswich, 1928
(Andrew was the son of Sophie Knees, step-daughter of Ivy's grandfather, JJF Hinrichsen)
Lucy Adeline Hinrichsen 22.01.1907 –
†Payneham South,
South Australia
m. David Alexander Kruger in Ipswich, 09.07.1930
Jessie Ethel Hinrichsen 06.02.1909 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Arthur Eric Boettcher, Mt Walker, 03.08.1932
Rubina Harriet Hinrichsen 19.03.1911 –
m. Leslie Clarence Lobegeiger, Mt Walker, 13.06.1934
Mona Joyce Hinrichsen 10.04.1918 –
m. Francis "Frank" Smith in East Ipswich, 20.07.1940

Albert Hinrichsen's Family c.1905
Standing L-R: Olive, Albert, Alfred
Seated L-R Violet, Bessie, Ivy (on lap)

Wedding of Lucy Adeline Hinrichsen and David Alexander Kruger

Wedding of Rubina Harriett Hinrichsen and Leslie Clarence Lobegeiger

Wedding of Jessie Ethel Hinrichsen and Arthur Eric Boettcher

Wedding of Ivy Huelin Hinrichsen and Andrew Jensen

Alfred Edwin (Alf) Hinrichsen