

From Prussia

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The Dickfos Family

variously spelt Dickfos, Dickfoss, Dikvoss, Dieckfoss, Dieckvoss, Diekfos, Diekfoss, Diekvosz, Dieenjost, Dickfast, Dickfuss, Dickfous, Dickfoos, Dickfoo, Deiklos, Dickfoes, Deikfos, Deikfoss (etc)

At least two lines of the Dickfos family sailed to Australia in 1865 from the Uckermark of the far north of what is now Germany. The distant origins of both the family and the family-name have eluded many researchers over the years.

With much effort though, some information has come to light about those two families who voyaged in 1865. The two families mentioned here both descended from Johann Ludwig Dickfoss (1771 or 1777 to 1848)
but from different marriages, the details of which are outlined in the tables below.
» Johann Ludwig Dickfoss (1771 (or 1777) – 02.04.1848)
    (Soldier, Grenadier)
   married Dorothea Sophia Radloff (17.03.1771 – 05.01.1806)
   in Neuruppin, 25.09.1803
   and they had the following child:

Johann Carl Friedrich Ludwig Dickfoss 02.12.1804 –
†Herrenstein, Gerswalde
m. Dorothea Elisabeth Groth in Mittenwalde, 09.11.1828

» Johann Ludwig Dickfoss (1771 (or 1777) – 02.04.1848)
    (Soldier, Grenadier)
   married Anna Luise Bechly (07.11.1785 – 05.10.1836)
   in Bucholz, 22.05.1809
   and they had the following children:

Johann Friedrich Dickfoss 23.09.1810 –
m. Christine Charlotte Juliane Seewald
Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss 16.09.1814 –
(3 months old)
Johann Christian Friedrich Dickfoss 15.07.1816 –
†Mt Walker
m1. Johanne Friederike Riek in Fergitz, 09.10.1841
m2. Dorothea Runge in Potzlow, 1842
Ernestine Amalie Dickfoss 04.06.1819 –
status unknown
Wilhelmine Friederike Luise Dickfoss 21.08.1821 –
after 1864
m1. Christoph Friedrich Schmoll in Steinhöfel, 15.10.1848
m2. Johann Carl Heinrich Wienke in Steinhöfel, 21.08.1864
Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss 04.02.1825 –
(1 year old)
August Ludwig Ferdinand Dickfoss 28.06.1827 –
m. Marie Dorothee Grützner in Lindow, 03.10.1852

First marriage 1803 Marriage of Johann Ludwig Dickfoss
and Dorothea Radloff
1804 Birth of Johann Carl Friedrich Ludwig (2 versions)
Second marriage 1809 Marriage of Johann Ludwig Dickfoss
and Anna Luise Bechly

1810 Birth of Johann Friedrich Ludwig
1814 Birth of Christian Friedrich Wilhelm
1816 Birth of Johann Christian Friedrich
1821 Birth of Wilhelmine Friederike Luise
1825 Birth of Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm
1827 Birth of August Ludwig Ferdinand

The relative locations of land selections

Upper right: J. Dickfos 62a
Middle: A. Dickfos 120a, Carl Dickfos 120a, 81a, 156a and J. Dickfos 120a
Upper Middle: F. Schneider (and Caroline nee Dickfos) 100a, 53a
Lower left: Herman Dickfos 320a, A. Dickfos 85a and H.Dickfos 57a

In 1869, when Carl was only 19, he was so keen on selecting land that he applied for it even though he knew full well he was under the minimum required age of 21 - and he was caught out.

New Land

Not long after arriving in Queensland the Dickfos family took to settling the land. Over time, quite a number of selections were taken up by the various members of the family. Shown here is a sample.

1873 Some blocks of land selected by John (Johann) Dickfoss showing that other (later) family members also selected at the same time

The original 62 acres 2 roods of land selected by Johann Dickfos at Mutdapilly

Herman Dickfoss 320a
A. Dickfos 85a
H. Dickfos 57a

A. Dickfos 120a
Carl Dickfos 120a
J. Dickfos 120a
Carl Dickfos 81a
Carl Dickfos 156a

The green area, top-left, shows land selected by Fred and Caroline (Dickfos) Schneider.

The area to the right, marked F.A.W. Mandelkow, was later bought by August and Carl to extend their properties.

Johann Christian Friedrich Dickfoss and Dorothee Runge

1844 Marriage of Johann Christian Friedrich Dickfoss and Dorothee Runge in Gerswalde

» Johann Christian Friedrich Dickfoss
and Johanne Friederike Riek (1st marriage)
and Dorothea Runge (2nd marriage)

Johann Christian Friedrich Dickfoss was born in Gerswalde in 1816 and died in Mt.Walker in 1894. In 1841 in a place called Fergitz in the Uckermark region of Prussia, Johann married Johanne Friederike Riek (1818-1844) born Strowig, out of wedlock, in Potzlow. Their son, Johann Friedrich August Dickfos (1842-1926) who was born in Gerswalde and eventually died in Ipswich, was married in 1819 to Christine Sophie Schneider (1843-1917) who was born in Eberstadt and died in Coleyville. Christine Sophie was the sister of our 2x great-grandfather, Henry Schneider (sen.). Two of the children from Johann's second marriage also married Henry's siblings.

1841 Marriage of Johanna Riek and Johann Dickfos in Fergitz

Johann's first wife, Johanna, died early in 1844 and Johann remarried a few months later to Dorothea Runge. On the 13th of October, 1865, Johann and Dorothea left their home in Strehlow and migrated to Queensland with their five children. They departed from Hamburg on board the Cesar Godeffroy, a ship newly built in Hamburg in the same year as their departure.

Strehlow is a village in the Uckermark that lies a couple of kilometers north east of the Upper-Ucker-Lake (Oberuckersee). Their particular place of abode was most likely the Gutshof (Estate) belonging to the von Arnim family, originally known as a Ritterhof (Knight's Estate).

The Estate (Gutshof) at Strehlow

Nowadays Strehlow belongs to Potzlow in the district of the Oberuckersee which in turn is part of the Uckermark. The village was first written down in 1317 as Strele, and was later known as Stelow. The name is derived from a Slavic word meaning 'arrow' noting its location on the Mühlgraben which flows into the Ucker River.

The only child from Johann's first marriage to Johanne Friederike Riek, was named Johann Friedrich August Dickfoss, known later as simply August Dickfos, dropping one 's' from the end as was the fashion in Australia. He married Heinricke Sophie Schneider, the daughter of Johann Georg Schneider, in 1869. The eldest son of Johann and Dorothea, Johann Carl Dickfos, married Christine Schneider, another child of Johann Georg Schneider, in 1871. The second youngest child of Johann and Dorothea, Johanna Caroline Wilhelmine Dickfos (Caroline), married another child of Johann Georg Schneider, Gottfried Friedrich (Fred) Schneider, also in 1871.
» "Johann" Christian Friedrich Dickfoss (15.07.1816 – 24.09.1894)
   married Johanne Friederike Riek (1818 – 26.02.1844)
   in Fergitz, 09.10.1841
   and they had the following child:

Johann Friedrich "August" Dickfos 28.12.1842 –
m. Christine Sophia (Sophie) Schneider in Qld, 11.12.1869

» "Johann" Christian Friedrich Dickfoss (15.07.1816 – 24.09.1894)
   married Dorothea Runge (28.01.1819 – 30.08.1896)
   in Fergitz, 01.05.1844
   and they had the following children:

Johanne Friederike Dorothea Dickfoss 28.07.1845 –
(8 years old)
Friedericke Wilhelmine (Minnie) Dickfos 28.10.1847 –
†Glenbrae, Mutdapilly
m. Thomas Robertson in Ipswich, 27.01.1869
Johann "Carl" Gottlieb Dickfoss 05.04.1850 –
m. Christina Schneider in Ipswich, 01.07.1871
Dorothea Caroline Wilhelmine Dickfoss 18.10.1852 –
(10 months old)
Johanna "Caroline" Wilhelmine Dickfos 04.03.1854 –
m. Gottfried Frederich “Fred” Schneider in Ipswich, 08.07.1871
Hermann Wilhelm Christian Dickfos 29.05.1858 –
m. Anna Fischer in Fassifern Valley, 08.05.1879

1850 Birth of Johann Carl Dickfoss
1852 Birth of Dorothea Caroline Wilhelmine Dickfoss

August Dickfoss with his wife Sophie Schneider

» Johann Friedrich "August" Dickfos
and Christine "Sophie" Schneider

August Dickfos must have been a family man in the true sense of the term. Telling from the lack of information in the newspapers about him or his wife Sophie, it can only be assumed that they spent their life looking after their own affairs, farming and raising a family.

The Coleyville farm of August and Sophie Dickfos

A major factor bearing upon their circumspection could have been the sad loss of three of their children who had died in infancy, one after the other, and that Sophie's eldest child, Charles had also died at the age of eleven.

Sophie predeceased August by nine years, passing away at the age of 70, while August managed to live on till he was 83. They both lived to see all of their children who had reached adulthood get married and start families of their own.

Of August's half-siblings who had also migrated to Australia, the eldest, Minnie and the youngest, Hermann, had also passed away by the time of August's death. The other two, Carl and Caroline, lived to 87 and 97 respectively.

During his lifetime, August enlarged his farm by acquiring some of the adjoining land from the Mandelkow family, who became related by his son William's marriage to Edith Mandelkow, August's farm was eventually passed on to his son, Alfred (Alf), who was more of a community man, being involved with the Coleyville Dip Association and even instigating a telephone exchange started in his own home. Alf also actively participated in the school's P&C Association and was both organist and Sunday School teacher for the Baptist Church. He eventually had a new farm, further up the hill, and August moved in with him after Christine passed away.

» More about Sophie's family can be found on the page about the Schneiders.

Louisa Ada Dickfos and Adolph Schmidt (married 11th May 1905)

Frederick Henselin and Wilhelmine Dickfos
(married 18th September 1890)

Emma Dickfos and August Grunhagen
(married 8th May, 1912)

August Dickfos at the home of his son, Alf, in Coleyville, 13th October, 1917.

4 generations: Wilhelmina (Dickfos) Henselin (1871-1949), Helena Ida (Henselin) Moller (1893-1969), Beryl Bethsaida (Moller) Holland (1925-) holding Lorrelle Carol Erskine Holland (1948-) (Lorelle married Henry Zbyzek Palaszczuk, and their daughter is Annastacia Palaszczuk)

» Johann Friedrich "August" Dickfos (28.12.1842 – 08.05.1926)
   married Christine Sophia Schneider (28.11.1843 – 26.01.1917)
   in Qld, 11.12.1869
   and they had the following children:
Charles Schneider 09.02.1867 –
(11 years old)
Wilhelmina Dickfos 25.06.1871 –
m. Friedrich Wilhelm Henselin in Mt Walker, 18.09.1890
Emma Dickfos 03.05.1873 –
m. August Grunhagen in Ipswich, 08.05.1912
William Dickfos 31.10.1875 –
m. Edith Mandelkow in Qld, 25.11.1908
Martha Dickfos 01.09.1877 –
(3 days old)
Charles Dickfos 22.12.1879 –
(6 days old)
Alfred Dickfos 29.10.1880 –
(2 months old)
August Alfred Dickfos 16.07.1882 –
m. Margaret Veronica Miller in Brisbane, 10.08.1911
Louisa Ada Dickfos 11.12.1884 –
m. Adolph Schmidt in Qld, 11.05.1905

Carl Dickfoss and his wife Christine Schneider

» Johann "Carl" Gottlieb Dickfoss
and Christina Schneider

According to the articles in the Queensland Times dated 2nd July 1931, Carl's father, Johann Dickfos selected land in 1871 at the Normanby Reserve, where Carl worked until he was able to secure his own 120 acres at Coleyville. That was also the year he was married to Christina Schneider and the newly wedded couple remained on that property for the next 27 years.

There they raised a family of five boys and five girls. The farm itself became "an inspiring scene of industry" with a cheese factory, bacon-curing plant and a sugar mill for which horses supplied the power. The products of all this industry were sold in a store established by Carl and successfully run for many years in Ipswich.

Then the couple moved to Redland Bay where they spent a further nine years fruit farming. In 1919 they settled into retirement at their seaside residence in Wynnum, planting, growing and tending to a couple of acres of thriving fruit and vegetables.

Yet life hadn't started out easily for young Carl Dickfos. In an attempt to earn enough money for his father to pay the rent, Carl set out on foot looking for work. His mother had put two shillings and sixpence in his pocket to see him through till he could look after himself. He made it all the way to New England in northern New South Wales still without luck. There he met up with two other travelers and together they approached a station manager who only had enough work for two. So he set out again, intending to return home, covering another 45 miles till reaching Rosenthal. Being Sunday, he rested there for the day and then proceeded on through Drayton, Gatton Bridge, Laidley, Grandchester and finally to a place called Mount Alfred. There he discovered pine was being loaded and saw a man and woman sawing wood. He offered to help and appreciatively found himself five weeks work, securing him enough for his father's rent.

Although Carl lived through the rough days of the bush, he was grateful for having been baptised when only 17 years old and "by the Grace of God I was not greatly affected". He later became a foundation member of the Coleyville Baptist Church, started a Sunday School, led the congregation and for 36 years preached and taught in German. This work he continued later on when he lived in Redland Bay.

Carl even built a barn out of rough slabs on his father's property which served as the church for many years. He was also a member of the original Coleyville school committee and helped build the school without government aid. He was a member of the Mutdapilly Divisional Board and upon formation of the Normanby Council had a seat at the table.

» More about Christine's family can be found on the page about the Schneiders.
» Johann "Carl" Gottlieb Dickfoss (05.04.1850 – 03.01.1937)
   married Christina Schneider (17.09.1850 – 12.01.1942)
   in Ipswich, 01.07.1871
   and they had the following children:

Charles Dickfos 18.03.1872 –
*Mt Walker
m. Annie Laurie Argow in Rosewood, 19.02.1896
John Dickfos 02.09.1873 –
*Mt Walker
m. Ellen Augusta Lawrance in Rosevale, 05.05.1897
Martha Dickfos 05.01.1875 –
*Mt Walker
(15 months old)
Martha Dickfos 14.11.1876 –
*Mt Walker
m. Thomas William Lawrence in Mt Walker, 20.01.1897
Albert Dickfos 10.03.1878 –
*Mt Walker
m. Charlotte King in Ipswich, 21.04.1903
Frederick (Freidi) Dickfos 10.06.1879 –
*Mt Walker
m1. Annie Stewart in Brisbane, 19.10.1904
m2. Sarah Clist in Coleyville, 11.01.1939
m3. May Beryle Clist in Ipswich, 27.09.1941
Sarah Lydia Dickfos 29.05.1881 –
m. Herbert King in Qld, 23.04.1907
Henry Dickfos 01.01.1883 –
*Mt Walker
m. Esther Krueger in Kalbar, 05.09.1906
Louisa Wilhelmina Dickfos 23.02.1885 –
m. Wilhelm (William) Drager in Qld, 07.02.1906
Louisa Wilhelmina Dickfos and Wilhelm (William) Drager had the following children:
Edgar Henry "Eddie" Drager 19.12.1906 –
m. Ellen Gwendoline Thomas in Qld, 18.04.1936
Gladys Beatrice Drager 6.04.1909 –
m. Carl Schoenfisch in Harrisville, 07.08.1929
Leonard William Drager 23.09.1909 –
m. Henrietta Bessie "Ette" Hinrichsen in Ipswich, 07.09.1938
Mabel Marion Drager 16.04.1911 –
m. Clifford Vincent "Cliff" Hinrichsen in Qld, 01.07.1936
Doris Louisa Drager 21.12.1912 –
m. Frederick Herbert "Herb" Hinrichsen in Qld, 28.04.1937
Roy Allen Drager 29.10.1915 –
m. Mavis Marjorie Mandelkow in Qld, 23.10.1941
Pearl Sylvia Drager 16.06.1921 –
m. Llewellyn Leslie Mandelkow in Qld, 15.01.1944

The Family of William and Louisa Drager
c.1918, Coleyville

L-R: Doris, Gladys, Bill, Edgar behind Roy,
Louisa (nee Dickfos), Mabel, Leonard
(click to enlarge)

William and Louisa Drager and their children
L-R: Leonard, Edgar, Roy
L-R: Doris, Pearl, Mabel

Christine (Schneider) Dickfos with her daughter Louisa (Dickfos) Drager, her son Edgar Drager and his daughter Dorothy

Edgar Drager and Ellen Thomas

Gladys Drager and Carl Schoenfisch

Mabel Drager and Cliff Hinrichsen

Doris Drager and Herb Hinrichsen

Roy Drager and Mavis Mandelkow

Pearl Drager and Llewellyn Mandelkow

Emma Amelia Dickfos 13.04.1890 –
*Mt Walker
m. Albert Edward Middleton in Qld, 24.11.1909
Ellen Annie (Nellie) Dickfos 05.01.1893 –
*Mt Walker
m. John Lee in Wellington Point, 09.12.1914

The Family of Carl and Christine Dickfos , Coleyville, c.1894
L-R:   Fred (15), Albert (16), Martha (19), Sarah Lydia (13),
Henry (11), Louisa Wilhelmine (9), Ellen Annie (1), Christine (44), Emma Amelia (4), Carl (44). Not shown: Charles (22), John (21)

The Extended Family of Carl and Christine Dickfos

The Family of Carl and Christine Dickfos, at Coleyville
Back L-R: Albert, Henry, Fred, John
Middle: Emma, Martha, Louisa
Front: Charles, Carl, Christine, Nellie

The Farm of Fred Dickfos, the son of Carl and Christine

Alan Dickfos (son of Henry and Esther) and Dulcie May (Dee) Parker (21.01.1950)

Henry Dickfos and Esther Krueger (05.09.1906)

Les Dickos, aged 94 (son of Henry Dickfos and Esther Krueger) c.2006

Caroline Dickfoss with her husband Fred Schneider

» Johanna "Caroline" Wilhelmine Dickfos
and Gottfried Friedrich (Fred) Schneider

Caroline and Fred became grand old pioneers of the Boonah area and could tell many a tale of their hardships and successes across very many decades in early Queensland. They were not only renowned for their long life in the district, Caroline managed to live to the age of 98 years and Fred to 93, which was quite remarkable for the time. Indeed Fred later became well known as "The Grand Old Man of Boonah".

Caroline at the age of ten arrived with her family after a four-month journey from the north of Germany. Upon arrival they journeyed further along the Brisbane and Bremer rivers until reaching Ipswich at a spot close to the site of where the North Ipswich Woollen Mills would stand. From there they moved to Mutdapilly to work for a Mr Nutley and his family, picking cotton. Caroline then went to work for Rev. and Mrs. Heiner at the Lutheran Parsonage in Ipswich.

Later she met Fred Schneider and much later in life still recalled the amusing tale of how the two of them had to ride to Ipswich on horseback to get married. That was in 1871, one week after her brother, Carl, had married Fred's sister, Christine. Two years before that, in 1869, Caroline's eldest brother (a half-brother), August, had married another of Fred's sisters, Sophie.

The young couple first settled at Black Flat in Rosevale and then selected land at the foot of Mt. Walker. Towards the end of 1878, they sold that land and established a farm on some land they selected near Boonah. Of course, at that time the land was just a brigalow scrub and Fred apparently picked up the challenge of clearing it which proved to be a back-breaking task.

Fred was a master wheelwright by profession and built wagons to transport water from the Dugandan Lagoon and also for conveying goods back and forth to Ipswich. Fred also built a church on his property to serve the growing Baptist community. The building was later moved into Church Street in Boonah and remained in service. The couple were not only founding members but also devoted supporters of the Baptist Church. Fred even sent off to America to purchase a Cornish Organ at a cost of 17 pounds so there would be music for the services.

» More about Fred's family can be found on the page about the Schneiders.

c.1897 - The Family of Fred and Caroline Schneider
Back L-R: George, Minnie, Carl, John
Front: Emma, Fred, Ben, Caroline, Bill, Frederick, Henry

1931 - Fred and Caroline Schneider at Diamond Wedding
Back L-R: Jack, Bill, George, Harry, Charles, Ben
Front: Annie, Fred, Caroline, Minnie

» Johanna "Caroline" Wilhelmine Dickfos (04.03.1854 – 16.07.1953)
   married Gottfried Frederich (Fred) Schneider (26.01.1841 – 03.07.1934)
   in Ipswich, 08.07.1871
   and they had the following children:

Ernst Schneider 20.05.1872 –
(2 weeks old)
Anna Margaretta Gertrude Schneider (Annie) 26.05.1873 –
*Mt Walker
m. August Korner in 1893
Carl Schneider
22.02.1875 –
m. Alice Weston McLean, 24.05.1898
Alfred Schneider 21.02.1877 –
†(buried) Mutdapilly
(two months old)
Wilhelmine Schneider
20.03.1878 –
*Mt Walker
m. James Harding in Boonah, 25.03.1897
Frederick George Schneider
07.03.1881 –
m. Agnes Mary Hohensee in Qld, 03.05.1905
John W Schneider
01.10.1882 –
m. Elizabeth Mary Niebling in Qld, 22.10.1902
Emma Schneider 12.12.1884 –
m. John Neibling in Qld, 23.12.1903
Friedrich Wilhelm Schneider
29.05.1887 –
m. Amelia Rieck in Qld, 30.05.1906
Henry Schneider
14.06.1889 –
m. Ethel May Hurford in Boonah, 21.12.1910
Frederick G. Schneider
(Private, AIF)
30.05.1893 –
m. Alice Kate Hooper in Qld, 07.03.1912
Benjamin Schneider
10.12.1895 –
m. Edith May Thompson in Qld, 09.04.1921

Fred and Caroline's 60th wedding anniversary

Fred and Caroline at home

Ben and Edith May (28 Jan 1934)

Fred and Caroline's farm on Red Bridge Road, Boonah

Bill Schneider's wife Amelia (Rieck)
with her grandchildren: (L-R) Gaye Schmidt, Dianne, Nola and Howard Beutel

Charles Schneider

In loving memory of Emma who died so very young

Just like Fred and Caroline, many of their descendants also lived long.
Their daughter Minnie Harding nee Schneider lived happily past 100.

August Korner and Anna Schneider

» Hermann Wilhelm Christian Dickfoss
and Anna Fischer

Anna Dickfoss (nee Fischer)

Hermann Wilhelm Christian Dickfoss

Having arrived in Queensland in 1865, the family of the seven year old Herman Dickfos first settled in Churchbank, not far from where Fernvale and Mutdapilly are nowadays. Here they were engaged in cotton picking for the Nutley family.

At the age of 21, Herman married Anne Fischer and the couple took up residence in Rosevale. There they remained farming for 26 years followed by another 8 at Cunningham's Gap where Herman also took a prominent part in the building of the road over the Gap. They then moved to Wynnum and then to Aratula where Herman spent his time in retirement.

It has been noted that Herman "was of a cheerful and jovial disposition and was well liked by a large circle of friends." (QT 16-06-1928)

Herman also took an active interest in local affairs, becoming elected as a member of the Divisional Board in 1893. He had also been contracted to improve the roads around where he lived.
» Hermann Wilhelm Christian Dickfos (29.05.1858 – 12.06.1928)
   married Anna Fischer (15.04.1858 – 11.11.1946)
   in Fassifern, 08.05.1879
   and they had the following children:

Wilhelmine Dickfos
08.06.1880 –
m. Frederick William Lobegeiger in Qld, 29.03.1906
Anna Louisa Dickfos 26.12.1881 –
m. Friedrich (Frederick) Robert Nufer in Qld, 09.10.1900
Henry Dickfos 18.10.1883 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Wilhelmina Hobbs in Fassifern Station, 18.10.1906
Ellen Caroline Dickfos 13.01.1886 –
m. Johannes Eric Freice Christensen in Churchill, Ipswich, 17.11.1904
Johann Franz (John) Dickfos 07.07.1888 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Caroline Hobbs in Qld, 25.02.1910
Hermann Franz Dickfos 20.12.1890 –
m. Johanna Wilhelmine Muller in Qld, 8.05.1924
Wilhelmine Christine Dickfos 07.02.1893 –
†(buried) Coleyville
m. Arnold Arthur Lobegeiger in Qld, 28.06.1911
Carl Frederick Dickfos 16.05.1895 –
m. Martha Louisa Stringer in Qld, 04.11.1932
Margaret Ann Dickfos 06.10.1897 –
m. Frederick Schossow in Qld, 13.12.1916
Teresa Sarah Dickfos 30.04.1900 –
†Bribie Island
m. Hermann Carl Muller in Qld, 09.08.1917

Queensland Times 13th June, 1913

Herman and Annie (Fischer) Dickfoss in later years
(probably around the mid 1920s)

Teresa Sarah Dickfos
and Hermann Carl Muller

Margaret Ann Dickfos
and Frederick Schossow

Ethel Schossow, daughter of
Margaret Ann (Dickfos)
and Frederick Schossow

Three Dickfos sisters:
Margaret Ann Schossow,
Minnie Lobegeiger and
Christina Lobegeiger

» Johanna "Wilhelmine" Friederike Charlotte Dickfoss
and Johann "Karl" Martin Neuendorf

Johann "Karl" Martin Neuendorf

Johanna "Wilhelmine" Friederike Charlotte Neuendorf (nee Dickfoss)

Karl and Wilhelmine voyaged to Australia in 1865 on board the "Wandrahm" but the passage was nothing short of horrendous, having lost both their children during the trip. According to the research of Allan L. Neuendorf, the couple first settled in the Lockyer valley where they had a further six children.

Allan also told a story which had been passed on down through the generations. When his ancestor, August Neuendorf, was released from the quarantine of the ship La Rochelle, he went into town and ran into his cousin. He was unaware that that they had both migrated to Australia at almost the same time. It is not definite but very likely that this cousin was Karl who had also just been released from quarantine since the Wandrahm had arrived only two weeks after the La Rochelle which had even more deaths occur on board.
» Johanna Wilhelmine Friederike Charlotte Dickfoss (11.09.1835 – 23.08.1901)
   married Johann Karl Martin Neuendorf (27.04.1833 – 13.01.1899)
   in Gerswalde, 16.09.1860
   and they had the following children:

Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Neuendorf 10.06.1861 –
*Herrenstein, Gerswalde 
†At Sea off
Somerset England
(5 years old)
Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Neuendorf 17.03.1864 –
†At Sea
(one year old)
Friederike Wilhelmine Karoline Neuendorf 31.08.1865 –
(7 days old)
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Neuendorf 01.06.1867 –
m. Catharine Marie Hauschildt in Tarampa, 17.04.1889
Wilhelmine Neuendorf 05.03.1869 –
m. Johann Bischoff in Mount Tarampa, 20.05.1886
Helena (Lina) Neuendorf 11.05.1871 –
m. Wilhelm August Ferdinand Olm in Tarampa, 07.12.1892
Wilhelm Neuendorf 21.05.1873 –
m. Helena Augusta Edith Arndt in Qld, 10.04.1896
Johann Neuendorf 29.08.1875 –
m. Mary Dickfos in Boonah, 27.04.1896
(the daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss and Wilhelmine Caroline Henriette Hass » see below)
Anna Neuendorf 04.08.1878 –
m. Johann Frederich Erdmann Olm in Tarampa, 07.07.1896

1861 Birth of Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Neuendorf in Herrenstein, Gerswalde

1864 Birth of Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Neuendorf in Herrenstein, Gerswalde

1865 Birth of Friederike Wilhelmine Caroline Neuendorf in Herrenstein, Gerswalde

Annie (Neuendorf) and Johann Friedrick Erdmann Olm

Carl's son William was in the news, 16th April, 1989

» Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss
and Wilhelmine Caroline Henriette Hass

» Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss (11.12.1839 – 27.10.1872)
   married Wilhelmine Caroline Henriette Hass (10.08.1843 – 02.11.1899)
   in Gerswalde, 01.05.1864
   and they had the following children:

Carl Friedrich August
03.04.1864 –
*Herrenstein, Gerswalde 
†At sea aboard
the Wandrahm
(one year old)
William Dickfoss ??.??.1865 –
*At sea aboard
the Wandrahm 
(about 10 years old)
Helena Dickfoss 09.07.1868 –
m. Wilhelm Friedrich Adermann in Ipswich, 06.05.1885
Emelie Dickfoss
10.05.1870 –
†Charters Towers
m. William Nash in Ipswich, 25.11.1890
Mary Dickfoss 25.02.1872 –
*Mt Walker 
m. Johann Neuendorf in Boonah, 27.04.1896
(son of Johann Carl Martin Neuendorf and Johanna Wilhelmine Friederike Charlotte Dickfoss, » see above)

1864 Marriage of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfoss and Wilhelmine Caroline Henriette Hass in Gerswalde

1864 Birth of Carl Friedrich August Dickfoss in Gerswalde

Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Dickfos, or Wilhelm as he was called on the ship's record in 1865, only lived to the age of 32 years, just six years after having arrived in Queensland. Eight months after he died, his widow Henrietta remarried on 12.06.1873 to Wilhelm Kickbusch.

The family of Mary (Dickfoss) and Johann Neuendorf
L-R: Walter, Sarah, Johann, Helena, Beryl, Mary

The wedding of Mary, the daughter of Emily (Dickfoss) Nash and William Nash
L-R: Emily, Mary (bride), Thorlief Pederson (groom), William

Emily (Dickfoss) Nash (1870-1951) (on the right) with a friend at Cluden Races, Townsville

1876 Death of William Dickfos, aged 9
(Qld Times Tue 28 Mar 1876 p6)
William survived having been born on the ill-fated ship, the Wandrahm, but still tragically died early.